Duco Network



Nice to meet you!

Hallo! This is Duco, a business network inspiring Dutch connections.

It’s the network for everyone who studied or worked in The Netherlands or for a Dutch company, and who has an ‘orange heart’ as a result.

Duco helps you meet others with the same Dutch connection, across all different fields.





Join Duco when you are…

…a talented young professional between 25-35 years working for a Dutch company in Brazil!

…a dynamic student ready to jump soon into the real (Dutch) business world!

…an alumni between 35-65 years young with a link to The Netherlands making your move towards a next position!

Click here to join



For organizations

Is your organization or company looking to meet highly-skilled professionals with a Dutch outlook on work?

Please Support Duco to connect and inspire talented professionals who have concluded their higher education in The Netherlands!

If you’re interested in giving a talk at one of our events, or if you want to help organize or sponsor an event, please get in touch through the contact details below.





Join Duco

Find out how your Dutch connection uncovers new opportunities.

Sign up for our free newsletter It’s the easiest (and most career boosting) way to discover new opportunities, connect with inspiring people (such as potential employers or business partners) and boost your professional network.

Join Duco to get informed about local events and attend a Duco meetup.

N.B. We respect your privacy, and never share your address without your consent.